“Refuting the False Claims of the ‘Daily Mail’ Against Gaza Supporters and Its Attempt to Whitewash Israeli Terrorism”


In light of articles published by biased Western media outlets such as Daily Mail, which attempt to label those supporting Gaza and defending the rights of its people – who are subjected to massacre – as terrorists and anti-Semites, the hidden agenda behind these misleading media campaigns becomes glaringly obvious. These campaigns aim not to highlight Israeli crimes but to distort the image of those standing with Palestinians, defending their human rights in the face of Israeli war machines.

The red triangle is part of the Palestinian flag.

The true purpose behind these articles is to strengthen the Zionist narrative that portrays Israel as the victim, while presenting Palestinians as enemies to be fought, and any form of solidarity with Palestinians or opposition to Israeli occupation as support for terrorism. The reality is that those opposing Israeli occupation and calling for Palestinian rights are not terrorists but advocates of peace, justice, and human rights.

The green turban is a symbol of purity and goodness in Islam, and against evil.

The Inverted Red Triangle: Distorted Symbolism and False Narratives

Among the false claims made by Daily Mail is the assertion that the inverted red triangle is a symbol of terrorism and anti-Semitism. This claim is malicious and inaccurate. In reality, the inverted red triangle is simply part of the Palestinian flag, reflecting the historical struggle of the Palestinian people in their ongoing fight against occupation. The Western media deliberately exploits such symbols within a political framework to manipulate minds, in an attempt to discredit those defending Palestinian rights.

The truth is that the inverted red triangle does not represent any form of terrorism or incitement to violence; it is simply a symbol of the Palestinian people’s resistance. When used in protest contexts or demonstrations advocating for Palestinian rights, it symbolizes rejection of Israeli occupation and the mass killing of Palestinian civilians. The absurd attempt to link this symbol to Hamas or terrorism is nothing but a fabrication aimed at tarnishing the reputation of those who defend Palestinian rights in their struggle against occupation.

The true image of Israeli terrorism.

Targeted Media Campaigns: How Western Media Uses Lies to Discredit Protesters

Western media, bought and paid for by Zionist interests, has been instrumental in spreading narratives that smear the image of protesters in London and other Western capitals. It is clear that these media outlets work to whitewash Israel’s crimes and portray Palestinian solidarity movements as terrorist-supporting entities. Instead of highlighting Israel’s human rights violations, these newspapers amplify the movements showing solidarity with Palestine and attempt to label them as supporting terrorism.

For instance, the green headbands worn by protesters in British streets have been wrongly depicted as symbols of support for Hamas, even though they represent an Islamic religious symbol associated with faith and sacrifice. However, Western media intentionally mixes the symbols, fabricating lies to associate these protesters with terrorism, while ignoring the basic truth that these demonstrators are advocating for human rights and the protection of Palestinian civilians, who are being subjected to horrific killings and destruction.

The true image of Israeli terrorism.

Media Overhype and Western Disinformation Campaign: Supporting Killers and Portraying Them as Victims

The true image of Israeli terrorism.
The true image of Israeli terrorism.

It is unfortunate to see these media campaigns used repeatedly to justify the horrific Israeli crimes against Palestinians, which have led to over 100,000 deaths in just one year, including women and children. Meanwhile, the killers in Israel are portrayed as victims, while Palestinians defending their land and people are depicted as terrorists.

This dangerous media manipulation deliberately ignores the obvious truth: Palestinians are victims of military occupation and economic siege. While Israel is portrayed as a democratic state, the reality is that it is a state engaging in organized terrorism against Palestinian civilians, which calls for the international community to take a firm stand to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against humanity

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